Curso relacionado
  •  SEAS, Estudios Superiores Abiertos SEAS, Estudios Superiores Abiertos
    PRECIO: A consultar

    Requisitos: - Ser mayor de 18 años.En este caso se expide el título de “Experto” - Estar en posesión del título de Bachiller, Técnico Superior de Formación Profesional, ser mayor de 25 años con al menos 1 año de experiencia profesional acreditada y...

Curso de Java programming language


Curso Presencial en Valencia (Valencia)

Precio: 1.525 €
Duración: no disponible

Resumen del curso

The course features the Java Platform, Standard Edition 6 -Java SE
6- platform, and utilizes the Java SE Development Kit 6 -JDK 6- product. The students perform the course lab exercises using the NetBeans Integrated Development Environment -IDE- 5.5

Temario completo de este curso

Execute Your First Java Application
-Examine the JDK
-Analyze a simple Java technology application
-Execute a Java technology application
-Model a Real-World Process with a Java Application
-Break down a Java technology application into its parts
-Examine the concepts associated with creating, referencing, and
using objects
-Create an object and declare a reference to an object type
-Create a Class: Fields and Constructors Syntax
-Create a class statement
-Declare and initialize fields: using defaults, explicit values and
-Examine directory layout and packages
-Create a Class: Methods Syntax
-Examine method interface and method body
-Use simple arithmetic and logical expressions
-Create statements, including branch and loop statements
-Use advanced method design techniques for:
-Method Overloading
-The this Reference
-Create a Class: Encapsulation
-Examine the concept of encapsulation
-Implement encapsulation in Java technology
-Use the static keyword
-Create Arrays
-Declare and create arrays of primitive, class, or array types
-Explain why elements of an array are initialized
-Explain how to initialize the elements of an array
-Determine the number of elements in an array
-Create a multidimensional array
-Create a Subclass Using Inheritance
-Examine the concept of inheritance
-Implement inheritance in Java technology
-Override methods of the object class
-Create polymorphism through subclasses
-Use the instanceof operator
-Cast objects
-Use the final keyword
-Error Handling Using Exception Classes and Assertions
-Define exceptions
-Handle exceptions using the try, catch, and finally clause
-Describe exception categories
-Identify common exceptions
-Develop programs to handle your own exceptions
-Use assertions
-Distinguish appropriate and inappropriate uses of assertions
-Enable assertions at runtime

Declare and Use Specialized Class Types
-Create abstract methods and abstract classes
-Declare and use interfaces
-Declare and use nested classes
-Use enumerated types
-Using Generics and the Collections Framework
-Write programs that use sets, lists, and mappings
-Create natural and custom ordering by Implementing the Comparable
and Comparator interfaces
-Use generic collections
-Examine wildcard parameter types
-Write program to iterate over a collection

Transfer Data Using I/O Streams and Readers
-Write a program that uses command-line arguments and system
-Construct node processing streams
-Serialize and deserialize objects

Perform Console I/O and File I/O
-Write a program that reads from standard input
-Describe formatted input and output
-Read from and write to a file

Implement Multi-Tier Applications Using Networking
-Develop code to set up the network connection
-Use ServerSocket and Socket classes for implementation of TCP/IP
clients and servers
-Describe URL and URLConnection classes

Implement Multi-Threaded Applications
-Define a thread
-Create separate threads in a Java technology program, controlling
the code and data that are used by that thread
-Use wait and notify to communicate between threads
-Use synchronized to protect data from corruption

Building Java GUIs Using the Swing API
-Describe the JFC Swing Technology
-Describe the GUI building blocks: containers, components, and layout
-Describe the swing single threaded model
-Build a GUI using swing components

ver temario completo

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