Curso relacionado

Curso de ISO-26000 Training

Z Global Group
Z Global Group

Curso Presencial en Nueva York (Estados Unidos)

Precio: 526,56 €
Duración: 1 días

Resumen del curso

This one-day ISO 26000 training enables participants to be familiar with the basic concepts of the implementation and management of a social responsibility program as proposed in ISO 26000.

Temario completo de este curso

ISO 26000 Training™ Course

This one-day ISO 26000 training enables participants to be familiar with the basic concepts of the implementation and management of a social responsibility program as proposed in ISO 26000. The participant will learn the different core subjects and issues: human rights, labour practices, the environment, fair operating practices, consumer issues, community involvement and development. This training is fully compatible with SA8000 (Global social accountability standard by the Social Accountability International).

who should attend?
  • Members of a social responsibility team
  • Project managers or consultants wanting to prepare and to support an organization in the implementation of a social responsibility program
  • Persons responsible for a social responsibility program or conformity in an organization
  • Members of a social responsibility team
  • Auditors

learning objectives
  • To understand the implementation of a social responsibility program in accordance with ISO26000
  • To understand the relationship between a social responsibility program and the compliance with the requirements of different stakeholders of the organization
  • To know the concepts, approaches, standards, methods and techniques allowing to effectively manage a social responsibility program
  • To understand the stages of a ISO 26000 audit

course agenda
  • Presentation of the ISO 26000 clauses and the six core subjects
  • Development of a social responsibility policy and objectives
  • Human rights issues and best practices
  • Labour practices issues and best practices
  • The environment issues and best practices
  • Fair operating practices issues and best practices
  • Consumer issues and best practices
  • Community involvement and development issues and best practices



examination and certification – iso 26000 training

Certification of Attendance

general information
  • A student manual containing over 100 pages of information and practical examples will be distributed to participants
  • A participation certificate of 7 CPE (Continuing Professional Education)credits will be issued to participants
  • ISO 26000 is a guidance on social responsibility and it is not a certifiable standard for an organization
ver temario completo

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