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  •  Cursos Digitales Cursos Digitales
    PRECIO: 149 € 9 €

    El marketing en redes sociales difiere de cualquier otro tipo de marketing porque permite que las empresas y los clientes interactuen y comenten. Es un sistema sustancialmente nuevo para obtener retroalimentación y consejos así como para administrar la...

Curso de Introduction to Social Media Marketing (SMM)

Z Global Group
Z Global Group

Curso Presencial en Nueva York (Estados Unidos)

Precio: 315,01 €
Duración: 1 días

Resumen del curso

The one-day course on social media marketing is designed to provide you a basic understanding of the essential social media marketing platforms that are necessary for your business. The course is designed using a language that everyone is able to understand – from beginners to the ones with some knowledge of social media.

Temario completo de este curso

One-Day Introductory to Social Media Marketing

The one-day course on social media marketing is designed to provide you a basic understanding of the essential social media marketing platforms that are necessary for your business. The course is designed using a language that everyone is able to understand – from beginners to the ones with some knowledge of social media.

The course will be covered with real example and a thorough discussion on the strategies behind the most successful Social Media Marketing techniques being used by a wide range of brands. The course is carefully tailored for beginners ensuring that all enrollees are able to learn and develop their knowledge of social media effectively.

Program Benefits

  • Shows you the way to think strategically on using the social media tools, such as Facebook and Twitter.
  • Demonstrates about developing relationships with existing as well as prospective customers.
  • Highlights the importance of using networked platforms in spreading your message to a larger audience without investing much on big budget advertising.
  • Helps you to create engaging content relevant to a particular target audience.
  • Makes you understand the key components required to set up and develop social media profiles and campaigns.

Topics Covered

  • What is Social Media?
  • What are the various driving forces behind it?
  • What is the importance of Social Media in today’s competitive world and how it affects your business?
  • What are the various steps that you should follow to create a successful Social Media strategy?
  • What are the best practices of Social Media?
  • What are the steps you should use to utilize important Social Media Platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn?

Who Should Enroll

  • Anyone who is connected to a business and is interested in bringing the business into the social media world. For example, marketers, business owners, communicators, and the ones who are keen to learn the tactics to use social media effectively as a business tool.
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