Curso de Hands-on Cadaver Intensive Course in Advanced Implant Surgery: Hard and Soft Tissue Management 2018-2019

En estos momentos el centro UIC Barcelona no tiene la matrícula abierta para este curso.

UIC Barcelona
UIC Barcelona

Curso Presencial en Barcelona (Barcelona)

Precio: 3.000 €

Resumen del curso

There is a high demand for specialized training in the field of advanced implantology. The opportunity to perform complex surgical techniques in animal model and human cadaver with an eminently practical guidance has a gap in the middle of the large existing training programs.

Objetivos:  Review in a systematic way, every complex surgical technique in advanced implantology.  To provide dentists and maxillofacial surgeons appropriate diagnostic and therapeutic tools to solve complex cases in reconstructive Preprosthetic surgery.

Temario completo de este curso

 Learn to diagnose complex cases.

 Mastering the elements of radiological diagnosis.

 Learn to choose appropriate techniques for each clinical situation.

Knowledge and use of basic instrumental in advanced surgical techniques applied to

surgery and oral implantology.

 Knowledge and practice of the various techniques in extracting autologous bone grafts and

clinical applications.

 Body, angle and mandibular ramus. Different approaches and variations of the original


 Symphysis of the chin. Different approaches and variations of the original technique.

 Anterior nasal spine.

 Tuberosity.

 Palate.

 Anterior and lateral sinus wall.

 Knowledge and practice of the "inlay" or sandwich technique for vertical bone increase in

the posterior jaw. Description of the original technique and variations.

 Knowledge and practice of different techniques of guided bone regeneration. Horizontal

and vertical bone regeneration.

 Knowledge and practice the lateralization and transposition of the N.D.I. technique.

 Knowledge and practice the Alveolar Split crest technique for horizontal augmentation.

 Knowledge and practice the nasal floor lifting technique.

 Knowledge and practice of lifting and grafting of the maxillary sinus through lateral

approach technique.

 Knowledge and practice of implant placement in buttresses techniques.

 pterygoid implants.

 Implants in the palatine process of the maxilla.

 Knowledge and practice of the technique of placing angled implants to avoid anatomic


 "Tilted implants" tangential to the maxillary sinus anterior wall.

 "Tilted implants" tangential to the mental foramen.

 Concept "All on Four"

 Knowledge and practice of dissection of Bichat bucal fat pad.

 Knowledge and practice of soft tissue management in implantology.

 Management of the flap to obtain passivity at closing.

 Free connective tissue grafts. donor, recipient and technical areas.

 Free free epithelial tissue grafts. donor, recipient and technical areas.

 Subepitelial rotated palatal flap.

 Roll-on original and modified technique.

 Tunneling technique.

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