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    PRECIO: 640 € 420 €

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Seminario de GSS – Global Summer School

Institut d'Arquitectura Avançada de Catalunya, Fundació
Institut d'Arquitectura Avançada de Catalunya, Fundació

Seminario Presencial en Barcelona (Barcelona)

Precio: 1.500 €
Duración: 13 días

Resumen del seminario

The Global Summer School (GSS) is a platform defined by ambitious, multi-scalar investigation on the implications of emergent techniques in our planned environments. Each year, international teams located in key cities around the globe explore a common agenda with projects that are deeply embedded in diverse local conditions. Because of this, participants have an international laboratory to test their design hypothesis, understanding how design conclusions derived locally can be tested and evolved globally in different cities where other teams reside. This intensive two weeks course connects each participant to ongoing research agendas in robotics, simulation, physical computing, parametric design, digital fabrication, and other relevant emerging design methodologies. Specific emphasis is placed on understanding the multiscalar implications of design conclusions, thus creating critical research advanced on the application of new technologies in design.

Requisitos: Bachelor degree diploma, students currently following a bachelor degree on Design, Arts, Architecture or Engineering will be also accepted. Another profile can be admitted after checking the portfolio.

Información adicional

The Global Summer School can be follow around the 5 continents. 

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Temario completo de este curso

GSS17 agenda focuses on the applications and implications of new technologies in the dynamic fields of public spaces. Specifically GSS17 will focus on the advancements of technologies of information, interaction and fabrication in the redefinition of public space, as catalyst for achieving resilience and high quality of life.

New modes of interaction among social, environmental and economic agents can be fostered through the redefinition of the Public Space. How do we design and inhabit it? How does it perform? What does it produce?

As part of the GSS17 program, students will define strategies for the applications of Smart Urban Technologies as essentials means for the change, testing the combination of software and hardware which allows real-time data capture, energy generation, storage and reuse, material adaptability, real-time management of time-uses and citizen-space interaction.

IAAC has an active alumni community distributed around the word allowing a decentralized expansion of IAAC expertise and knowledge. The constant involvement of the community in IAAC activities keeps the connections strong and fertile. IAAC GSS17 aims to empower the bonds with the community members, therefore places them in strategic positions which allows Global Summer School to take place simultaneously in different cities around the world: Barcelona, New York City, Monterrey, Moscow, Tehran, Ahmedabad, Beirut, Beijing, Boulder and San Josè.

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