Curso relacionado
  •  IED Barcelona Istituto Europeo di Design. IED Barcelona Istituto Europeo di Design.
    PRECIO: 3.550 €
    CURSO:Presencial en Barcelona

    In the last years, the lighting market has been delivering constant innovation through research and new technologies. The term Smart Lighting is usually associated to control technologies and energy efficiency.The course focus on a broader meaning of...

Curso de CSP en Lighting for Retail and Commercial Spaces

En estos momentos el centro IED Barcelona Istituto Europeo di Design. no tiene la matrícula abierta para este curso.

IED Barcelona Istituto Europeo di Design.
IED Barcelona Istituto Europeo di Design.

Curso Presencial en Barcelona (Barcelona)

Precio: 3.500 €
Duración: 3 meses

En estos momentos el curso no está disponible

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Resumen del curso

Lighting design is, therefore, a crucial part of the design of any space and experience. In Commercial Spaces, it is especially essential, as it determines the overall look and feel of the environment and the well-being and behaviour of the actual users of that space. In hospitality, retail and offices, lighting is closely linked to the brand image, making it a key element to design a complete and consistent user experience, meeting all the commercial requirements. The Lighting for Retail and Commercial Spaces study program teaches how to use light as a powerful tool for design and expression in commercial spaces, an increasingly competitive and changing sector. Artificial lighting technology is nowadays in constant evolution, requiring specific knowledge and expertise in order to fully master its potential.

Objetivos: - Acquire a general vision of the art and technique of lighting design. - Develop complete lighting design projects, from concept through development and execution, with a special focus on commercial spaces. - Know the available lighting systems, products, and technologies. - Train in lighting calculation and representation tools. - Put into practice the knowledge, through workshops, testing, and lighting mock-ups. - Know the current professional lighting landscape and its multidisciplinary ecosystem. - Be able to generate powerful projects and communicate them.

A quién va dirigido: Graduates in Architecture, Fine Arts, Product Design, Interior Design and Engineering, and other design related profiles who want to get the necessary knowledge for the development of a lighting design project, both under an aesthetic and a technical point of view

Temario completo de este curso

HISTORY OF LIGHTING - Brief history of natural and artificial lighting through examples. - Brief history of representation of light. - Brief history of the sources of light.LIGHT CULTURE - Feel, understand, express the light through its interaction with us and with the objects around us. - Become aware of light in a more intuitive and spontaneous way. - Role, interpretation and metaphors of light and shadow. - Light language: objectives and characteristics of lighting: direction, color, intensity, temporality.LIGHT AND VISION - Characteristics of waves, frequency spectrum, dual nature of light. - The human eye and the vision: properties of the eye, visual process, creation of images, curve of sensitivity of the eye. - Optical properties of matter: reflection, absorption, refraction. - Color: theory and symbolism of color, classification of colors, color temperature, chromatic reproduction index, psychic effects of color and its harmony.LUMINOUS MAGNITUDES - Luminous flux, luminous efficacy, luminous intensity. Photometry. Illuminance. - Fundamental principles of Illuminance: the law of the inverse of the squared distance, the cosine law. LAMPS - Thermo radiation and luminescence. - Conditions that lamps must gather. - Incandescent lamps, discharge lamps, LED. - Considerations on consumption, maintenance and sustainability efficiency in lighting solutions.LUMINAIRES AND THEIR CLASSIFICATIONS - Classification according to regulations, photometry, or according to the distribution of the luminous flow. - Constructive features, materials, optics, accessories, filters, effects.LIGHTING PROJECT - Analysis of spaces and lighting typologies for different spaces. - How different lighting solutions affect space. - Criteria to establish the most suitable lighting system. - Expression and representation of light: Sketch, studies, renders, images of reference. - The technical documentation of the lighting project. - Engineering notions of facilities. - Electricity notions: how does electricity work in a building, how it is planned and performed in work. - Calculation programs and simulation of light levels: practical workshop in which the students will learn the basics for using a light calculation program. - Normative aspects, and notions of professional practice: introduction to - the applicable regulations and inherent issues in the professional practice. - Development of exercises and application on intermediate projects. - Development of a complete final lighting project.

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