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    PRECIO: 720 € 216 €

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Curso de Chemical Laboratory Instrumentation Operation Quality and Safety of Equipment

London Training for Excellence
London Training for Excellence

Curso Presencial en London (Reino Unido)

Duración: 5 días

Resumen del curso

This seminar is addressed to both new and experienced users of chemical laboratories. It includes an overview of most important chemical and physical processes employed in a chemical laboratory to achieve recognition, measurement, transfer, purification, storage and reaction of chemicals. It also includes Health and Safety as well as Quality and Environmental Management procedures to design and maintain a QHSE Management environment. Related topics such as SDS and GHS systems are also presented

Requisitos: " Chemists, Chemical Engineers Laboratory personnel/ researchers Scientists from other fields that require a detailed overview/ introduction to the topic QHSE experts "

Temario completo de este curso

"The most effective method to effectively control and oversee creation costs is unpredictable yet it can be utilized to screen and control refinery’s performance. English, Arabic, Other Languages Available On Request 1 – 10 Participants Deadline for registration is 5 days prior to the course start date. A London Training for Excellence Professional certificate will be issued to all participants on completion of this course. In addition you will receive a certificate confirming the number of CPD hours achieved for this course. "
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