Curso relacionado
  •  Escuela Des Arts Escuela Des Arts
    PRECIO: 2.380 € 595 €

    El mercado del arte se caracteriza por ser un mercado complejo propenso a la falsificación, el cual está sometido a la continua evolución de técnicas que permiten determinar si una pieza es falsa o auténtica. Por ello, a través de esta pack de material...

Curso de The Arts & Science of Commercial Leadership

ESMT Berlin - European School of Management and Technology
ESMT Berlin - European School of Management and Technology

Curso Presencial en Berlín (Alemania)

Precio: 6.500 €
Duración: 5 días

Resumen del curso

The program “The Arts and Science of Commercial Excellence”, organized by ESMT Berlin - European School of Management and Technology, is aimed to allow commercial leaders to reconcile the creativity of arts with the rigor of science. By exploring how artists turn their creative energy into world-class performances, participants will receive inspiration for their own business practices. In addition, they will explore the latest scientific insights on how to achieve commercial excellence and share their own experiences. The choice of Berlin (and Germany) and Milano (and Italy) comes from this idea: two cities that are champions in terms of mixing arts and science and synthesize the best of these two fields. Participants will leave the program with concrete action items on how to combine arts and science to achieve the next level of commercial excellence with their organizations. Take this chance and ask for further information through

Objetivos: Understand the arts and science of understanding customers and their needs. Understand the arts and science of creating innovative solutions that cater to customers’ needs. Understand the arts and science of forging strong networks to satisfy customers’ needs. Understand the arts and science of employee motivation required to satisfy customers’ needs.

A quién va dirigido: The Arts and Science of Commercial Excellence is addressed to senior executives, especially those responsible for marketing, sales, and customer service within their organizations.

Información adicional

5 days (4 days in classroom + 8 hours in Distance Learning)
Module 1: September 17-18, 2018 (ESMT Berlin, Berlin)
Module 2: November 12-13, 2018 (SDA Bocconi, Milano)
Distance learning activities: 8 hours from September 17 to November 13, 2018

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Temario completo de este curso

Module 1

ESMT Berlin, Berlin
  • Truly understanding and catering to customer needs From product selling to solution selling Motivating people for excelling commercially Mastering the change.

Module 2

SDA Bocconi, Milano
  • Strategizing by understanding competitive dynamics Managing creativity Assessing and developing your social capital Managing the digital transformation in commercial organizations.
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