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Curso de Accounting and Finance for Managers - Level 1

London Business Training & Consulting
London Business Training & Consulting

Curso Presencial en London (Reino Unido)

Duración: 1 días

Resumen del curso

Would you like to learn how to prepare basic primary financial statements? adds to its list a new course that might help you! The Accounting and Finance for Managers course, level 1, teaches you how to prepare one and how performance can be evaluated through financial statements. Thanks to this programme, you will be able to understand the conceptual and regulatory framework of accounting and the elements, the structure of the annual report and primary financial statements and how to apply horizontal, trend, vertical and ratio analysis to the financial statement contained within an organisation’s annual report During this course, you will study the role of the financial accountant, the information which they prepare and the relationship between the statement of financial position, income statement and statement of cash flows. In addition, you will learn how to evaluate a company from the viewpoint of current and potential investors as well as other stakeholders and study the key elements of an accounting system as well as the different types of accounting adjustment and the impact they have on reported results. Are you interested in this amazing opportunity? Ask for further information!

A quién va dirigido: This finance for non-finance training course is suitable for: managers who wish to improve their analytical skills and use accounting and finance tools for managerial advantage; those who wish to understand and use accounting knowledge for operational and management decision making.

Temario completo de este curso

Introduction to Accounting
  • The two forms of accounting: financial accounting and management accounting
  • The regulatory and conceptual framework
  • Qualitative characteristics of useful financial information
  • Types of business entity
  • The annual report and financial statements
Accounting Concepts and Systems
  • Statement of comprehensive income (income statement)
  • Statement of financial position (balance sheet)
  • Statement of cash flows
  • Preparing a set of financial statements
  • The income statement: cost of sales working
  • Underlying concepts: measurement rules and fundamental accounting concepts
  • Three further property, plant and equipment issues
  • Recording accounting information
Financial Analysis: Part 1
  • Financial statement analysis for investment purposes
  • Other users and their needs
  • Horizontal analysis and trend analysis
  • Vertical analysis
  • Ratio analysis
  • Weaknesses and limitations
Financial Analysis: Part 2
  • The drive for information
  • Stakeholder management
  • Corporate social responsibility reporting
  • Earnings announcements, conference calls and investor presentations
  • Media relations: press releases and newspaper coverage
  • Social media and internet bulletins
Business Planning
  • Business planning and control: the role of budgets
  • The budget-setting process
  • Basic steps of preparing a budget
  • Budgeting in different types of organisation
  • Limitations and problems with budgeting
  • Improving business planning and budgeting
ver temario completo

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