Cursos - IVI Education

Avenida Fernando Abril Martorell, 106
46026 Valencia (Valencia)

El centro de formación IVI Education, IVI Global Education es una institución educativa del IVI especializada en estudios de la Reproducción Humana Asistida.

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Qué puedo estudiar en IVI Education

  • Curso online 330

    Online course The In Vitro Fertilization Laboratory

    This course is aimed at approaching the student to the concept of the clinical embryology laboratory from the perspective of technical aspects, physical resources, devices, functions, tasks, ...

  • Curso online 330

    Online course Sex Determination Techniques

    This course describes firstly the molecular bases of sex, genes implied in sex determination and hormones involved in sexual differentiation. These definitions allow the description of a set of ...

  • Curso online 330

    Online Course in In Vitro Production of Embryos and Embryo Culture

    This course explains the necessary techniques for the obtainment of embryos in the laboratory, as well as the different embryo types according to morphological quality, from the first divisions to ...

  • Curso online 330

    Online course in Embryo Quality Improvement

    The aim of this course is translating the widest knowledge in the ongoing potential of human embryos and considering how they reflect the features of the gametes that originated them, as well as the ...

  • Curso online 330

    Online course in Multiplication of Embryos and Gametes

    This course introduces different multiplication methods of embryos and gametes (cloning), considering as experimental model other mammalian species. However, it considers the possible reproductive ...

  • Curso online 330

    Online course The Preimplantation Genetic Testing Laboratory

    This course defines the different types of chromosome abnormalities and genetic diseases, as well as their incidence and origin. It focuses on genetic aspects that have implications on human ...

  • Curso online 330

    Online course in Stem Cells

    This This module provides the knowledge about stem cells and their application in reproduction medicine. It starts with the basic concept of stem cell and stem cell types according to their origin ...

  • Curso online 330

    Curso online sobre Fecundación, Desarrollo Embrionario y Técnicas de Obtención de Embriones

    En este curso se presentan las bases biológicas necesarias para que tenga lugar una gestación in vivo. En un primer bloque se presentan las diferentes barreras fisiológicas femeninas que debe ...

  • Curso online 330

    Curso online sobre Esterilidad

    El curso es fundamentalmente médico y aborda cómo se establece el diagnóstico de esterilidad y qué tipos de esterilidad existen desde el punto de vista etiológico, así como el tratamiento de ...

  • Curso online 330

    Curso online sobre Investigación Básica en Reproducción Asistida

    En el curso se explicarán las distintas técnicas de biología celular y molecular más frecuentemente utilizadas en investigación en el campo de la medicina reproductiva. Además, también se detallará ...

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