In this block the learner will consolidate the material from the previous Blocks and begin the transition from B1 to a solid B2. The course content remains functional and focused entirely on improving learner independence in all areas, especially ...
In this block the learner will consolidate the material from the previous Blocks and begin the transition from A2 to B1. The course content remains functional and focused entirely on improving learner independence in all areas. In this block the ...
In this third level of five, the student will continue to learn the fundamental tools for communicating in English, being taken from A2 to B1/Pre-B2 level or Independent User level of the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference). Whilst ...
In this block the learner will consolidate the material from the previous Block and begin the transition from A2. The course content remains functional and focused entirely on improving learner independence in all areas. In this block the learner ...
In this block the learner will consolidate the material from the previous Block and continue the transition from A1 to A2 from Breakthrough to Waystage. The course content remains functional and focused entirely on improving learner independence in ...
In this second level of five, the student will continue to build on the previously learnt fundamental tools for communicating in English, taking the learner from A1 to A2 level or Basic User level of the CEFR (Common European Framework of ...
In this first level of five, the student will learn the fundamental tools for communicating in English, taking the learner to aquire the A1 level or Basic User level of the CEFR (Common European Framework of reference). Whilst introducing the ...
In this first level of five, the student will learn the fundamental tools for communicating in English, taking the learner from 0 to A1 level or Basic User level of the CEFR (Common European Framework of reference). Whilst introducing the correct ...
In this first level of five, the student will learn the fundamental tools for communicating in English, taking the learner from 0 to (approximately) A2 level or Basic User level of the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference). Whilst ...
In this course, the student will learn the fundamental tools for communicating in English, taking the learner from 0 to C1 or Proficient User level of the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference). As well as introducing the fundamental ...
The Level Tests are created for the student to find out which is his/her level of English. There is a test for each of the five levels.
In this final Block the learner will revise the work covered to date through the lexical fields of describing people and places, superstitions, horoscopes tourism and describing paintings and art and arrive at being an Independent User by acquiring ...
In this block the learner will consolidate the material from the previous Blocks. In this Block the learner will consolidate the necessary knowledge to pass satisfactorily the TOEFL exam. The course content remains functional and focused entirely ...
In this tenth block the learner will consolidate the material from the previous Blocks and will start the crossover from an advanced level to a Proficient User level. In this block the learner starts preparation to acquire the necessary level to ...
For those people who have a middle level of English and who wish acquire more knowledge, above all of oral English.
In this block the learner will consolidate the material from the previous Blocks.The course content remains functional and focused entirely on improving learner independence in all areas, motivating the learner to become conversant on subjects such ...
In this block the learner will consolidate the material from the previous Blocks and continue the crossover from the Intermediate Level to a more solid Advanced Level, as well as consolidating the necessary structures to pass satisfactorily the ...
In this block the learner will consolidate the material from the previous Blocks and begin the the transition from an Intermediate Level to an Advanced Level, thus beginning the preparation to take the ECCE (The Examination for the Certificate of ...
For those ones who have got a middle-low level of English and who wish not to lose the knowledge which they have already got, and at the same time want to improve their level of pronunciation and their reading understanding.
In this block the learner will consolidate the material from the previous Blocks and begin the crossover from the Basic Level to the Intermediate Level. The course content remains functional and focused entirely on improving learner's independence ...
In this block the learner will consolidate the material from the previous Block as well as consilidate the transition from a Basic Level to a solid Intermediate Level. The course content remains functional and focused entirely on improving ...
In this block the learner will consolidate the material from the previous Blocks and begin the transition from a Basic Level to an Intermediate Level. The course content remains functional and focused entirely on improving learners' independence in ...
For those ones who have got basic notions of English, but who want to improve it and get a higher level both in the oral English and in the written one.
In this block the learner will consolidate the material from the previous Block and begin the transition from the Basic Level. The course content remains functional and focused entirely on improving learner independence in all areas.
In this block the learner will consolidate the material from the previous Block and continue the transition to a basic user of English. The course content remains functional and focused entirely on improving learner independence in all areas. In ...
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