Grado en Bachelor of Arts in Product Design Pathway in Transportation Design

IED Barcelona Istituto Europeo di Design.
IED Barcelona Istituto Europeo di Design.

Carrera universitaria Presencial en Barcelona (Barcelona)

Duración: 4 años

Resumen de la carrera universitaria

Objetivos: The degree offers a formative path that teaches students to comprehend and anticipate the market exigences, interceding with business intentions and translating them in a defined project than can be manufactured. It boosts the relevance of concept, in order to foresee the trends and styles of consumption. Also, the course brings knowledge on production materials and technology in order to bring projects to life. Beyond the theoretical comprehension of the project, students focus on analysing technologies, function, ergonomics and usability.

Temario completo de este curso

During the first year of the course, students carry out joint work together with other specialisations. The key to creativity is the designer’s experience in what we call their ‘Own Environment’. The student will become familiar with fundamental materials, tools and techniques.

The second year is focused on the development of creativity through a more individual approach, by delving deeper into the project culture, enhancing the ability to visualise ideas and introducing the tools of the specialisation: packaging, clay, key sketch, Chartpaks marker, Alias and graphic communication.

Research methodologies, processes and tools that enable the specific needs of people and companies to be met in a ‘Close Environment’ are also incorporated. Further, the student will start to collaborate with companies.

The third year entails a big leap. The preparation for the professional world begins, with the integration of management and technology subjects, greater project complexity and a greater demand to achieve results.

The student faces the resolution of projects in ‘Distant Environments’ (geographical, generational, cultural or economic). At this stage, the student will work on projects with real briefs and challenges coming directly from companies.

In the fourth year, the designer faces the challenge of multidisciplinarity, long-term vision and services related to their specialisation. We call this the ‘Complex Environment’. The student must carry out a compulsory internship within a company and choose their professional profile.

Last but not least, the final degree project is carried out with real companies, in which prototypes are developed and, in successful cases, are produced to be launched onto the market. The student must prepare a portfolio showcasing their professional skills.

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