Objetivos: Este Máster Doble incluye:- International MBA- Máster en Project Management- Diploma de Especialización en Coaching y PNL.- Business English ProgramCertificate (opcional y gratuito).- Alta en el Campus Virtual, tramitación de exped...
Una vez finalizado estos dos años, los estudiantes transfieren sus créditos a la universidad de la que tienen intención de obtener el título de Estados Unidos o Canadá, de St. Louis University en Madrid o Hult International Business School en Londres.
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This course introduces students to various forms of academic discourse. Students are required to prepare essays in a variety of rhetorical modes, including exposition, description and argumentation. In addition to out of class writing assignments, students will be required to compose in-class essays in response to readings and other prompts. English Composition I (commonly assigned ENG 120) introduces students to process-writing techniques and library research. The primary focus is to help students acquire the writing skills they need to succeed in an academic environment.
This course is a sequel to English Composition I. This course concentrates on argumentative writing and requires students to prepare a major research report, one that reveals fluency with argumentative strategies and rhetorical conventions. In addition, students are introduced to analytical reading techniques, critical research methods and current documentation procedures. Although other kinds of writing are commonly assigned in English 121, written argumentation remains the major focus of study.
This course contains topics such as solving, graphing and applying linear and quadratic equations and inequalities; exponential and logarithmic properties; linear quadratic, rational, absolute value and square root functions; functions operations, compositions and inverses and systems of equations and inequalities, all with applications throughout the course.
This course aims at providing an insight into a business activity in relation to the dynamic economic surrounding. Overall knowledge related to areas of organization, management and control is achieved. Business terminologies, latest technology, and career opportunities are studied in detail.
This course examines the role of economic systems in allocating scarce resources to satisfy the needs and wants of individual members of a society. After a brief exposure to alternative economic systems, the focus shifts to the nature and performance of free market capitalism. Primary emphasis is placed upon the development of models that explain the behavior of consumers, producers and resource suppliers in various market structures. The course also focuses on the definition, scope and fundamental problems in economics, types of economic systems and market failure.
This course explores the manner in which the overall levels of output, income, employment, and prices are determined in a capitalist economy. The focus is on the forces that act to shape this factors and determine their fluctuations. The role of governments, the influence of fiscal and monetary policy on the level of economic activity are also major areas of study. The impact of international transactions, globalization, and trade is explored.
This course provides application of statistics that includes descriptive statistics, probability distributions, hypothesis testing and basic linear regression. Students will gain experience using statistical software.
This course is an introduction to various areas of psychology including scientific investigation, motivation, personality, intelligence, behavioral deviation, perception, learning, and human development. It provides a basis for further study in related areas.
This course is grounded on the basic principles and concepts of Sociology and introduces students to the sociological perspectives. It places emphasis on how social, economic, religious, educational, and political environments have affected cultural settings as well as human behavior.
The course provides an overview of the general principles, concepts, generalizations, and theories of sociology including culture, social structure, group dynamics, social problems and social change. It provides an understanding of the socio-cultural heritage of different groups through the in depth processes of reading, speaking, writing, listening, and critical thinking.
This course is designed to help students develop specific abilities, including organization and delivery skills, for all speaking situations. Various aspects such as verbal, non-verbal and vocal communication skills will be stressed.
This course is an introduction to the practical application of communication skills, involving listening and feedback, preparation of business correspondence, employment applications and resumes, formal research reports and job-seeking skills. Oral and written communication skills are emphasized.
This fundamental computer literacy course provides a good knowledge and understanding of the computer and different applications that support both academic and professional requirements. It also provides the basics of Internet facility and email system which are very much essential in today’s world. The course is comprised of two components—lectures that focus on the concepts, theory and uses of the computer and practical work in which students acquire working knowledge of an operating system and devices. In addition, the Microsoft Office programs for word processing, spreadsheets, presentation graphics and database are examined.
This course includes the college-level skills of Calculus such as functions, graphs, limits, differentiation, integration and applications.
This is the first of the two-semester course. The course is designed to examine how the various assets, liabilities and equity accounts are computed, and presented in the financial statements; establish the basic rules and regulations in the normal usage of accounting information; and interpret and communicate financial information for the purpose of evaluation of accounting records.
This is the second of the two-semester course. The course is designed to examine how the various assets and liabilities are computed, and assess the depreciation and interest calculations; identify the investment opportunities and record the benefits; appreciate the unique features of recording partnership accounts; recognize the need for calculating stock transactions of corporations; analyze the methodologies used and the importance of cash flow statements; and interpret the financial statements through different analytical tools.
This course offers an introductory survey of major religious traditions of the world. Through lectures, discussions, assigned readings and audiovisual presentations, students will gain a broad, basic knowledge of Eastern as well as Western religions. Zoroastrianism, Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam. Confucianism, Taoism and Shinto will be examined. Each religion will be studied under five principal divisions: origin and development, literature, tenets, ritual and worship, ethics and institutions. To have a better understanding of all religions, their historical and cultural frameworks along with important social aspects such as identity, tolerance, conformity and gender will be examined. This course partially satisfies the writing requirements for the General Education component.
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Objetivos: - Desarrollar las competencias necesarias para abordar la dirección estratégica de PYME´s.- Conocer los elementos que integran un plan de empresa y la dinámica de su diseño y ...
Objetivos: - Aplicar las técnicas de trabajo en equipo y de motivación laboral.- Aprender a organizar reuniones de trabajo eficaces.- Conocer la importancia de la dirección y del estilo de liderazgo ...
Objetivos: El Máster en Dirección de Empresas (MBA) persigue como objetivo incrementar la capacitación de los asistentes y afianzar sus dotes de liderazgo, su capacidad de resolución de problemas y ...
Objetivos: - Crear, gestionar y dirigir una empresa digital.- Aprender a desarrollar las habilidades directivas del emprendedor para desempeñarse con éxito en un cargo en cualquier nivel de una ...
El conocer en profundidad la forma en que se debe gestionar un proyecto social es de vital importancia a la hora de proponernos llevar a cabo cualquier tipo de Plan de Intervención. Hoy en día ...
Nuestro Master o Postgrado Online Master en Dirección de Proyectos Informáticos: IT Project Management (Doble Titulación + 35 Créditos PDUs) es totalmente homologada y en tan solo 600 horas tendrás ...
Objetivos: Con nuestro Master en Dirección y Gestión de Proyectos Sociales. Social Project Management (Doble Titulación + 35 Créditos PDUs) (Certificación PMP - PMI - Actualizado 6ª Edición PMBOK) ...
Aprovecha la oportunidad única que te brinda Euroinnova y formate con nuestro Master o Postgrado Online Postgrado en Gestión de PYMES y Gestión de Recursos Humanos + Doble Titulación Universitaria ...
Para la realización de nuestro Curso Profesional Online Técnico Profesional en Dirección y Gestión de PYMES + Especialización en Dirección de Equipos (Doble Titulación + 16 Créditos ECTS) tenemos ...
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