Requisitos: Evaluación individualizada de cada candidatura.
En estos momentos el centro IED Barcelona Istituto Europeo di Design. no tiene la matrícula abierta para este curso.
Objetivos: This course gives students an exciting opportunity to develop themselves in a very creative, practical, studio-like and interdisciplinary approach, together with teachers who are all practitioners, real companies and agencies during their course. This is the perfect environment to develop a clear communication methodology and create a mature portfolio to successfully enter the creative industries. The first year of this degree is focused on acquiring basic concepts of design, culture and project methods. Students learn to dare to create and communicate. As from the second year, the necessary technological and project managing tools are explored, to communicate simple and effective visual messages through the development of the own creativity and interdisciplinary methodological processes. Students concentrate on acquiring knowledge on Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe After Effect, Apple Final Cut, etc., and apply their creativity devising corporate projects and advertising campaigns. The third year of this degree is based on creation and application of the previously acquired knowledge to projects from real clients. Creative management attains great relevance in Project managing and as well as the capability of implementing the ideas and knowledge acquired during the previous years. Students comprehend and learn about the work environment and its complexity, and also get the opportunity of creating a good portfolio to cope with the labour market.
A quién va dirigido: Applicants should have a genuine interest in Creativity, Advertising, Design, Social Media,Digital Branding and personal growth as well as the wish to bring openness to interdisciplinarity and cultural diverse teamwork. Their passion for creativity, art, design, communication and interest in studying in an international environment with the industries’ top professionals and top companies is the right motivation and makes them ideal candidates.
Participa en el Concurso de Becas Creactívate 2017
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El alumno conocerá el funcionamiento de las principales herramientas utilizadas en la creación publicitaria así como sus características y podrá gestionar las distintas fases que caracterizan el ...
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Por las manos de Javier Lourenço –director de publicidad especializado en animación y mixed media que ha trabajado para clientes como Volkswagen, Bayer, Movistar, Toyota, Ikea, Unilever, Telefonica ...
En este curso descubrirás la receta definitiva para explotar tu creatividad. De la mano de Daniela y Mara –dúo creativo conocido como Flaminguettes, que ha cautivado a grandes marcas como Air ...
Ignasi Fontvila –especialista en identidad verbal de marca para clientes como Seat, Repsol o Danone– te enseñará una metodología de naming eficaz.Aprenderás a plantear un proyecto de creación de ...
Existe la creencia de que la creatividad consiste en, simplemente, pasar el tiempo esperando a que llegue la big idea. Sin embargo, la inspiración hay que buscarla. Este hábito se entrena igual que ...
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